Who’s Running for Office in November?

Who’s Running for Office in November?

We will have more information about the various Democratic candidates in Knox County as we get closer to November, but for now, here’s a list of candidates you should get to know.  Go to their websites, donate money if you can, tell your friends, and — most importantly — vote for them in November:

Chuck Rogers, Knox County Commissioner: https://www.chuckrogersforcommissioner.com/

Annie Homstad, Ohio House Representative, District 98 (eastern Knox County, including Mount Vernon): http://anniehomstad4ohio.com/

David Hogan, Ohio House Representative, District 61 (western Knox County, including Centerburg and Fredericktown): https://www.hoganforabetterohio.org/

Jerrad Christian, U.S. Congress, District 12: https://www.christianforohio.com/about/

Sherrod Brown, U.S. Senator: https://www.sherrodbrown.com/

Ohio Supreme Court