We will have more information about the various Democratic candidates in Knox County as we get closer to November, but for now, here’s a list of candidates you should get to know. Go to their websites, donate money if you can, tell your friends, and — most importantly — vote for them in November:
Chuck Rogers, Knox County Commissioner: https://www.chuckrogersforcommissioner.com/
Annie Homstad, Ohio House Representative, District 98 (eastern Knox County, including Mount Vernon): http://anniehomstad4ohio.com/
David Hogan, Ohio House Representative, District 61 (western Knox County, including Centerburg and Fredericktown): https://www.hoganforabetterohio.org/
Jerrad Christian, U.S. Congress, District 12: https://www.christianforohio.com/about/
Sherrod Brown, U.S. Senator: https://www.sherrodbrown.com/
Ohio Supreme Court
- Justice Melody Stewart https://www.stewartforohiosupremecourt.com/
- Justice Michael P. Donnelly https://donnellyforjustice.com/meet-justice-michael-p-donnelly/
- Judge Lisa Forbes https://www.forbesforjustice.com/