The Knox County Democratic Party is led by an executive committee that serves two-year terms. The executive committee consists of central committee members elected during the even-year primary election, plus appointed and ex officio members. Ex officio members are full members but are granted membership on the basis of other positions served in the community.
Executive Committee Officers, term expiring April 2026
Kathy Tate, Chairwoman
Rob Fetters, Vice Chairman
Elaine Stull, Secretary
Linda Michaels, Treasurer
Executive Committee Membership, term expiring April 2026
Precinct Captains
To request contact information for the precinct captain assigned to your area, please send an email, including your full name and Knox County residential address, to
Mount Vernon 1A: Patricia Keane
Mount Vernon 1C: Jack Goodman
Mount Vernon 2A: Mary Rugola-Dye
Mount Vernon 2C: Adam Gilson
Mount Vernon 3A: Janet Chandler
Mount Vernon 3B: Joyce Skocic
Mount Vernon 4A: Lindsay Miller
Mount Vernon 4B: R. Dale Miller
Berlin: Franklin Brown
College: Linda Michaels, KCDP Treasurer
Gambier A: Jill Grubb
Gambier B: Laurie Finke
Harrison: Nancy Bevan
Centerburg: Victoria Eckhart
Howard B: Elaine Stull, KCDP Secretary
Howard C: Rob Fetters, KCDP Vice Chair
Howard D: Kathy Tate, KCDP Chair
Jackson: Lisa Sabo
Liberty B: Cheryl Matthes
Monroe A: Margaret Dunn
Monroe B: Greta Lindstrom Cornell
Morris B: Kathryn Edwards
Pike: R. Clayton Shell
Wayne: Erin Salva
At Large Members
Leeman Kessler
Julie Shoemaker
Amanda Shufelberger
Janet Byrne Smith
Andrea White
Legacy Members
Paula Siegel Barone
Sam Barone
Susan Kahrl